DA Global Active Practices
Feb 3, 2022
A living document created through research and data collection that includes methods of resonating action for diversity, equity, inclusion and access.
Our Global Active Practices Document is the result of months of research, writing, reviewing, countless Zoom calls, Google documents, and the lived experiences of dance artists from around the world. As artists who have endured microaggressions, blatant racism, physical harm, and mental and emotional trauma, we believe these practices can serve as a catalyst for lasting and pervasive social, cultural, and aesthetic shifts.
Dismantling white supremacy, capitalism, misogyny, cis-hetero patriarchy, and anti-Black racism is a complex and pervasive process that requires compassion, empathy, and a conscientious understanding of intersectional identities.
We must all work together to reject the default of exclusion that is currently prevalent within our industry and create a truly equitable environment that welcomes and celebrates the beautifully diverse communities that we aim to unite and enrich.